Newsweek Q&A with Mary Tyler Moore

Feb. 6, 2006 issue - Q&A: Mary Tyler Moore returns to TV as a bitchy talk-show host on "That '70s Show." She spoke to NEWSWEEK's Ramin Setoodeh.
Where are you?
Mary Tyler Moore : I'm in upstate New York. It was once just our country house on weekends. Then we just kind of had it with New York City and decided to move here on a permanent basis. It's a big farm, 150 acres. We have a couple of goats and four dogs and 14 horses. Most of them are rescue horses.
What do you watch on TV these days?
A lot of Fox News. I also watch "Two and a Half Men" and "Lost."
Would you do a guest spot on "Lost"?
I would. Put that in this column.
Why did you stop making movies?
You have to be immersed in the industry. I don't go to the same parties the producers show up for, so I'm not brought to mind easily.
Are the parties any fun?
I hate parties. It's a hangover from childhood insecurities. Feeling that nobody really likes me and I won't have anything interesting to say.
And figuring out what to wear.
No. I like that.
What happened to the M that hung on Mary's wall?
I have the M. It's in my library on one of the shelves.
Anything else we should talk about?
Well, no. Of course, there is the murder. But let's forget that.
Now you've got my attention.
I had a friend and we used to have so much fun. We'd be in a crowded elevator, and just as we were walking out and the doors were closing, one of us would say, "She killed her husband."
It's true—you do have spunk.
Thanks. You make me laugh.
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